Alliance Française Calgary - Annual General Meeting

Special General Meeting

Thursday August 11th 2022 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom - 30-minutes meeting

As a member, get involved in the life of the Alliance Française of Calgary! 

The AFC is a non-profit organisation in which the members are the center of our focus and motivation. Be part of the decision-making to help us improve our services to the community and discuss future projects.

During this general special meeting, we will review the by-laws of the Alliance Française of Calgary before submitting them to the local authorities.


  1. Call to order & Opening Remarks
  2. Notice of Quorum
  3. Additions to and approval of Agenda
  4. Proposed changes of the AFC Bylaws for Approval by the membership
  5. Other Items
  6. Adjournment

Here are the previous by-laws. Please review the new proposed by-laws here. Compared to previous by-laws, the sections with suggested modifications are highlighted.

To ensure the quorum of the meeting is met, it is necessary to register in advance. (FOR MEMBERS ONLY)


Here is the zoom link for the meeting.

If you cannot make it, you can still participate by filling in a proxy here and return it to
Feel free to leave the proxy name blank if you do not have anyone in mind and we will give your proxy to one of the board members.