Winery Tour Kelowna - Octobre 2024

Winery Tour Kelowna - Octobre 2024

Conversation + Wine!

Before you proceed, please ensure you meet the following criteria. If you answer 'no' to any of these questions, this trip may not be suitable for you.

This trip is designed for enthusiasts of French language. Participants must be at least 19 years old and have a minimum A2 level in French to fully engage with the experience (B levels or Francophones are also very welcome)!. Be prepared for some walking as we will explore wineries on foot. 

Your payment includes the group excursion, and transportation during guided tours. Please Note that plane tickets, lunches, dinners, personal expenses, and personal insurance are not included.

By confirming these details, you help us ensure a smooth and enjoyable weekend. We look forward to sharing this incredible weekend with you!

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RSVP by 6 Oct 2024 11:35am

Note: Registrations are limited:   12 left


First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Date of Birth
ZIP code

Additional Guests

Number Of Additional Guests (Guest number is limited as this event is nearing its capacity)


Qty Product Total
1 x Winery Tour Kelowna - Octobre 2024 $190.00
Tax: $0.00
TOTAL: CAD $190.00
Discount Code
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Holder
Credit Card ExpiryExpiry date - Month / Year
CVV CodeThe code on the back of your card

We Accept Visa We Accept MasterCard