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Teens (11-15)
Children (7-10)
Pre-Schoolers (5-6)
Toddlers (3-4)
A2.1 Elementary
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But you can be added to a waiting list in case a spot becomes available.

Code: 2024S6 A201 SAT 11.15-1.15
With a regular group of 7 or more students, there will be 12 classes of 2 hours each, totaling 24 instructional hours. However, with a smaller group of 5 or 6 students, there will be 10 classes of 2 hours each, totaling 20 instructional hours, resulting in the course ending 2 weeks earlier. Please note that a minimum of 5 students is required for the course to be offered.

Additionally, please be aware that this course does not meet the minimum requirements of the Canada Revenue Agency for a T2202 certificate, as it falls short of the minimum requirement of 12 hours of instruction per month.

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